Supported version of the game: Steam / EGS / Origin Supported game mode: Fullscreen or windowed Supported anti-cheats: FairFight Coder: ropox ================================== FUNCTION ================================== VISUAL: SOLDERS Skeleton Bo Name Distance Snapline Health Change Distance Bullet Drop Enable Bullet Drop Speed Corrections VEHICLS Box Name Distance Snapline Health Change Distance / Изменить дистанцию отображения OTHER FPS 2D Radar Crosshair Draw AIM ESP Draw Menu Button MEM: No Recoil Silent Aim (works on an ongoing basis, only on visible opponents) FOV Aim Bone Magic Bullet (works in the event that you started inflicting damage and the enemy was behind an obstacle ) Magic Distance COLOR: Weapon Hero Saber Hero Solders SETTING: Home MENU Delete / Развернуть или свернуть окно игры End / Кнопка паники (отключает чит)